How to Prepare: MOS Certification

Degrees and certifications are losing importance in the digital era, but the right one can be a difference maker. 80% of the Fortune 500 is on Microsoft Cloud. These companies use Microsoft’s business tools for financing, presenting, communicating, and essentially all business-related functions, so it’s safe to assume that Microsoft will remain relevant for some time to come.


by Jerry Han


What is MOS?


MOS stands for Microsoft Office Specialist, which is a certification awarded to individuals who pass an exam for specific Microsoft applications. This certification comes in 3 levels: beginner, expert, and master. Beginner exams are offered for all Office applications while expert exams are only offered for Word and Excel. Passing the expert exams (Word & Excel) and select beginner exams (Powerpoint & Access or Outlook) will yield the Microsoft Office Specialist Master certification. People who earn this certification reliably demonstrate deep expertise in basic and advanced functions regarding Microsoft’s business tools.


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Why get certified?


There’s no debate regarding the importance of Microsoft’s services. Their business tools can be used in virtually any industry have made a case against becoming obsolete, so you should take advantage of this certification while it’s still relevant. The list below highlights the benefits of having an MOS certification.

  • Differentiate yourself
    • Even with no work related experience, an MOS certification will give you a competitive edge over other candidates
  • Manage your life
    • Proficiency in business tools can translate into the real world
      • Managing your personal/family finances using Excel
      • Creating a presentation for a non-profit organization
  • Improve résumé & LinkedIn
    • MOS is an industry-recognized certification


What are the costs?


Acquiring this certification does come at a cost of the time spent preparing and money spent on exams.
















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